Soccer Club of East AfricaSoccer Club of East AfricaSoccer Club of East Africa
+254 716 462 944
Nairobi County, Kenya
Soccer Club of East AfricaSoccer Club of East AfricaSoccer Club of East Africa

The Scea Soccer Development Program (The Scea SDP): The Life Blood Of The Scea AC.

Moise Mugabo – Skipper ( The Scea SDP – Under 16s ).

The Scea Soccer Development Program (The Scea SDP) is the youth development wing of The Scea AC (First Team). It is made up of 11 to 16 year olds – boys (under 11s, 13s and 16s). The 17th year is for transition into the First Team. The Scea SDP ensures that those joining The Scea AC are a good fit by the time they are 18 years. It is the lifeblood of The Scea AC- First Team

In a bid to promote early development and transition, a number of youngsters are carefully selected to play a level up or two depending on their individual levels of ability and adaptability to the developmental or competitive requirements of that level. The Scea SDP ensures that all youngsters make appropriate transitions both as players and young leaders. The aim is to develop young individuals in a holistic way on and off the pitch. A youngster or two may play a level up or down depending on their individual needs respectively.

The process fosters appropriate development, transition and competition- critical to mindset-character-moral development.

The Scea SDP anchors its development works on the four corner model of youth soccer development. The program ensures that young players – individuals master all soccer basics in terms of application of technical skills under pressure, soccer intelligence – insight, psychological- mental and physiological fitness. As a diverse, equal and inclusive development program, The Scea SDP also takes on the mantle of enrolling the differently gifted under The Scea Development’s Internal Young Leadership Development Program (The Scea Development – YLDP – https://scea.co.ke/ .

The program enhances the skills of these young individuals in terms of leadership, critical thinking, and problem solving among others. 

All youngsters playing for The Scea AC have transitioned from The Scea SDP; responsible for their education, development and growth both as players and individuals respectively. Homegrown players one hundred percent who understand our style of play and values are crucial to the overall team and organizational culture.

As the lifeblood behind The Scea AC, The Scea SDP is pivotal to our mission of growing into a super soccer club. The best educated and developed players-individuals are selected to represent our First Team besides take on leadership roles in one capacity or another.  Young leaders are chosen from within as they comprehend our style of play and organizational culture. They are the best fit at the Scea Development.

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